Thursday, May 20, 2010

We All Have to Start Somewhere

So, a few days ago the world got its first glimpse at the new starting Pokémon in the upcoming 6th Generation titles, Pokémon Black and White.

Now, starting Pokémon are not something I take lightly. In any game, your starting Pokémon is your first friend – your guide into the strange journey on which you are about to embark. Removing your starter from your permanent lineup is always a rite of passage (something I haven't been able to do yet, by the way). Since starters are so important, it's equally important that you have a well of interesting options to choose from.

Which is a shame, because as more games have come out, the quality of the starters has been, well...

I'll let this comic I found sum it up (click to enlarge):

With Generation 1, we had three pretty rad Pokémon to choose from. Choosing your starting Pokémon wasn't easy, because no matter which one you chose, there would be two other awesome Pokémon you'd never be able to own. While I think I've come to the conclusion that Charmander is my personal favourite, even that's by a small margin (again, going for Charmander meant missing out on a turtle with cannons strapped to his shell, and a dinosaur with a tree growing out of its back). Of the few times I've played Generation 1, my starter choice breakdown probably goes something like 50% Charmander, 35% Squirtle, and 15% Bulbasaur.

With Generation 2, the second starter lineup offered an equally impressive lineup.

For this one my breakdown might be something like 60% Cyndaquil and 40% Totodile. While I personally would never go for a Chikorita, I don't begrudge its existence. It's a little girly, sure, but I can at least appreciate that there are people who like it.

Now, with Generation 3, we start to see a bit of a decline. Suddenly, my choice of starting Pokémon is much easier: Mudkip. Even though he gets kind of stupid when he becomes a Swampert (or as my sister Rachel says, a dirty Hobo Pokémon), he's still by far the best option available. I mean, what's with that look on Sceptile's face?

And ugh, don't even get me started on Blaziken.

He doesn't even look like he's in the right game. Seriously, I'm not too sure what the designers were thinking when they came up with the look for this guy. I mean, what would have possibly inspired them to... to...


Oh, I get it. Digimon strikes again.

Generation 4 starters are something of a Morton's Fork, in which no matter which you pick, you're kinda in the same crappy situation. Do you choose the goofy Chimchar, resulting in a pretty goofy Infernape? A slightly cooler Piplup, resulting in a crappy Empoleon? Or the bland Turtwig, resulting in the equally bland Torterra?

Whoever wins, you lose.

But let's look at Generation 5. At least, the basic evolutions.

First up, in the Grass-Type corner, we have Tsutaja.

Now, I don't hate his design, but I do have two problems, the first being that he kinda looks exactly like a green Cyndaquil. The second problem is that he has Sceptile's creepy Come Hither eyes.


Second, we have Pokablu, a Fire-Type pig.

This is a bit more like it. A simple, archetypal design with a bit of uniqueness thrown in. I'm definitely a fan.

Finally, we have the Water-Type Mijumaru.

Now this guy is a bit problematic. He seems to hover between adorable and grotesque. I really don't know what to make of him, but I have a feeling he'll either have the coolest evolution, or the lamest. I mean, look at him. It's quite possible that, even though he's apparently a Sea Otter Pokémon, he could become quite bad-ass, something akin to Iorek Byrnison. On the other hand, he could end up being a Care Bear in Whiteface.

So, at this stage I think the starters aren't bad, certainly not as bad as others seem to be saying on the internet (I've seen them referred to as “Retardachu, Queermander, & Shittle”). As for which I'll choose when I get Black or White (though probably Black, cause that's how I roll), I'm undecided. I'm going to try to avoid having the final evolutions ruined for me before playing the game, even though I know that's probably impossible. Assuming I don't know more then than I do now, I'm probably going to go Fire, although I have a feeling I might throw caution to the wind and pick Water, even if that does mean I wind up with a Retardachu.

I think I've rambled on long enough, so I'll update on my progress later. In the meantime, what do you guys think of the new starters?


  1. Which Digimon is that?
    Also I want to punch that Tsutaja in its smug little face.


  2. Hey, at the very least Empoleon has a funky face-mask looking thing. If you haven't seen Awkward Zombie, she does quite a few good (funny) comics on pokemon, at least one of which had me laughing more than anyone ought to. (As an example, but it's the next one that killed me).

  3. I kinda agree with Laura here. That lil bastard's probably slipping E in other pokémen's drinks or something.

    I like the care bear in white face comment. Very nice.

  4. The Digimon is Garudamon.

    And I've been thinking about Tsutaja a little more. There was something else very familiar about his expression and pose. This is what I came up with:

    And thanks for the link to Awkward Zombie. Scrolling through is a bit of a bitch right now because my internet connection is being ca-ca poo poo, but I like what I see!
